Curb appeal is a valuable asset that can be difficult to maintain throughout the year. If you have a large yard, driveway, extensive gardens, pathways, porches or other features surrounding your home or business, it may be hard to find time to keep up your plants and display them in the way you would like. Suburban Lawn installs complete sprinkler systems, irrigation systems and landscape lighting for yards of all sizes, so you can enjoy spectacular exteriors at any time of the day or night.

We work throughout the year with full-time installers, technicians and landscape experts to give you reliable service and expert installation. In the spring and summertime we design and install irrigation and sprinkler systems to keep lawns and gardens full and vibrant. We install outdoor lighting all year round to display your home with striking luminosity and provide added security. Christmas décor and spectacular light shows are our wintertime specialty and we put up, take down and store all your outdoor decorations.

Learn more about irrigation systems, landscape lighting and Christmas décor in Wellesley, MA. Contact us today to install your lights or sprinklers for the new season.