Category: Seasonal Maintenance

Proper Irrigation and Seeding Can Give Your Lawn a Healthier Life Over the Years

Lawn Sprinkler system for residential property

As your lawn ages, plenty of factors can conspire to cause your grasses to thin and wither. Soil compaction can effectively suffocate root systems, drought can starve your lawn of water, and shade can make it difficult for certain grass species to thrive. If you find your lawn struggling with any of these issues, the… Read more »

The Benefits of a Commercial Lawn Sprinkler System

sprinkler system at business park

Successful businesses tend to go above and beyond when it comes to appearance, not only on the inside but also on the outside. What this means is that the presentation of a business building can have a significant impact on the impression customers and clients get. If your landscape is looking in tip-top shape, your… Read more »

The Impact of Weather on Your Lawn Irrigation Schedule: A Guide to Optimal Water Efficiency

Touching the lawn with hand

Maintaining a lush, green lawn requires more than just routine watering—it demands an understanding of how weather patterns influence your lawn’s irrigation needs. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the dynamic relationship between weather and your lawn irrigation schedule, providing valuable insights to ensure optimal water efficiency throughout the changing seasons. The Basics of… Read more »

Benefits of Regular Professional Inspections for Your Sprinkler System

sprinkler system maintenance for the winter

Maintaining a lush and healthy lawn in your suburban oasis requires more than just regular watering. It demands precision and efficiency in delivering the right amount of water to your grass and plants. That’s where a well-maintained sprinkler system comes into play. However, even the best sprinkler systems can encounter issues over time. This is… Read more »

Winterizing Your Suburban Sprinkler System: Essential Steps for Cold Weather

Grass with Frost

As the crisp air of winter approaches, it’s essential for suburban homeowners to prepare their properties for the harsh conditions ahead. One often-overlooked aspect of winter preparation is the sprinkler system. Failing to winterize your suburban sprinkler system can lead to costly damage, repairs, and headaches when spring arrives. Understanding the Importance of Winterization: Before… Read more »

How to Beat the Heat: Efficient Residential Lawn Sprinkler Systems for Hot Summers

sprinkler system for lawn from Suburban Lawn Sprinkler, Co.

Summers can be scorching, and maintaining a healthy, vibrant lawn becomes a challenge. However, with the right residential lawn sprinkler system, you can beat the heat and keep your lawn looking lush and green throughout the summer months. Choose the Right Sprinkler System The first step in achieving an efficient residential lawn sprinkler system is… Read more »

The Importance of Regular Maintenance for Your Suburban Sprinkler System

Lawn irrigation system for residential landscape

Maintaining a lush and healthy lawn in suburban areas often requires the help of a reliable sprinkler system. These systems play a crucial role in ensuring that your yard receives adequate water for optimal growth and beauty. However, simply installing a sprinkler system is not enough. Regular maintenance is essential to keep your system functioning… Read more »

How to Regulate Your Lawn Irrigation

Tips for Watering Your Lawn with an Automatic Sprinkler

You want to keep your lawn looking its best throughout the year, so doesn’t that mean watering it as much as possible? Wrong – too much water is just as harmful as too little water. Keep reading to learn how to properly water your lawn before turning the sprinkler on! Your Lawn Needs 1-1 ½… Read more »

Spring Lawn Care to Save Money and Time with Maintenance

Sprinkler system watering lawn in the spring

We know the condition of your lawn is important to you. After spending a winter buried under a thick blanket of snow, your lawn is likely looking not so lush and green. We also know that you’d probably rather not devote all your surplus time and money to maintaining it during the growing months. Fortunately,… Read more »

Tips to Keep Burrowing Animals out of Your Lawn and Garden

Tips to Keep Burrowing Animals out of Your Lawn and Garden

This winter, you’re probably not paying too much attention to your landscaping tasks for the next season, but sometimes it is important to have a plan for the next season, especially if you experienced issues with your lawn or landscape. Burrowing Animals and Other Pests Taking care of your lawn can be a tough task… Read more »

How to Maintain Healthy Soil in Your Garden

Improve Your Soil's Health

So, you have a great garden space, but terrible soil? Or perhaps you’re that blessed gardener with healthy soil, but you need to maintain it? No matter your situation, we have you covered! What is Soil Made From? Soil is composed of minerals and organic matter and there are generally 3 sizes that will classify… Read more »