As much as you might love to spend time working in the flowerbeds, however, maintaining a garden can take a lot of water if you’re not careful. This year, we can make our gardens as water efficient as possible in just a few simple steps. Let’s start by adjusting our watering schedule.
Water at the Right Time
Watering in the middle of the day tends to be inefficient because some of the moisture is lost to evaporation before it has a chance to permeate the soil. Watering in the evening, on the other hand, can promote mold growth overnight. Your best bet is to water early in the morning while the temperature is still cool. If you want to have the healthiest garden this year, this is a very important step in the process.
Mulch is a Friend
In addition to preventing weed growth and erosion, mulch also helps to retain moisture in your garden. Apply a generous layer of mulch to your garden at the beginning of every growing season. Coarse mulch will hold water better than the fine varieties. This will ensure your soil is absorbing the water properly.
Choose Plants Wisely
Some plants are thirstier than others. Plants with small, narrow leaves are less prone to moisture loss. Fast growing species and species that require a great deal of fertilizer require more water. Drought-resistance species and succulents are typically low water users.
Check on the Weather Regularly
No point in doing more work than you need to. A little rain can go a long way. Watch the forecast and try to limit your watering to dry spells. A comprehensive and high-quality irrigation system can make your job even easier by tracking the weather and adjusting your watering schedule automatically.
Contact an Irrigation System Installer
Contact Suburban Lawn Sprinkler at 508-872-2727 today or visit us online for information about lawn irrigation systems.
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