After spending a winter buried under a thick blanket of snow, your lawn is likely looking a little the worse for wear. But don’t resign yourself to living with a sad, tattered lawn just yet – with a minimal investment of time and energy, you can have your lush, green grass back in no time. In this entry, we’ll take a look at a few ways to repair the damage done to your lawn over the winter.
Mold constitutes one of the greatest threats to your lawn during the winter months. Heavy snowmelt can cause mold colonies to grown in your grass, leaving your lawn pockmarked with characteristic white and pink spots. Outdoor fungicides are designed to kill the mold so that damaged grass can recover more quickly. In some cases, you might need to reseed the affected areas as well.
Loosening the soil in your lawn will help to ensure that water and air are able to permeate the grass’ root systems. This, in turn, will promote new, healthy growth in your lawn. Depending on the size of your lawn, you can use either a manual or gas powered plug aerator to loosen the soil and allow the root systems to take a breath of fresh air.
Salt Rinse
The rock salt used to treat roads in the winter can wreak havoc on lawns come springtime. Areas directly adjacent to streets and driveways are most likely to be affected by salt burns. Rinse these areas thoroughly with water, and then apply a gypsum soil conditioner. The gypsum will induce a chemical reaction that replaces salt with harmless calcium and sulfur, allowing the grass to recover.
This step is especially important if you’ve reseeded damaged areas. Take care not to overwater, as this can effectively drown sprouting grasses. Do your watering early in the cool morning hours so that you won’t lose moisture to evaporation. Set the timer on your sprinkler system so that you won’t have to remember to water at specific intervals.
At Suburban Lawn Sprinkler, we’ve been in the business of lawn restoration for over fifty years. Give us a call today to find out how a new sprinkler system can get your lawn looking its very best.