The Northeast Is Facing Its Worst Drought in Years

For the past several years, much of the West Coast has been gripped by a devastating drought that has compromised crop yields and forced communities to carefully ration water. Now, a new drought has taken hold on the other side of the country in the Northeast. In places like western New York, Massachusetts and southern… Read more »

Sprinkler Systems & Water Conservation [Infographic]

With the hottest months of summer just around the corner, irrigation systems all over the country are about to start working overtime to keep lawns lush and green. That’s why we put together a handy infographic to help you get the most out of your irrigation system this season. In it, we cover everything from… Read more »

Landscape Lighting Ideas to Make Your Yard Shine After Dark

You’ve spent a lot of time working on your home’s landscaping. Wouldn’t it be nice to show it off after dark? Adding outdoor lighting your yard is a great way to highlight your favorite landscaping features and establish a warm, comfortable nighttime ambiance. Today we’ll take a moment to share a few tips to help… Read more »

Could Your Lawn Care Expenses be Tax Deductible?

Tax season is in full swing, and if you’re like most Americans you’re probably looking for any opportunity you can to deduct expenses from your taxable income. If you’re a homeowner, chances are you’ve invested hundreds or even thousands of dollars in the care and maintenance of your lawn over the course of the past… Read more »

Making the Most of Your Landscape Lighting

Installing landscape lighting in your yard is a great way to add a warm ambiance to the space in the evenings. It can also make dark pathways and steps easier to traverse at night. Before you invest in landscape lighting, however, it’s a good idea to do some preliminary planning to ensure the finished product… Read more »